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Get Well and Stay Well

Schedule Your Annual Wellness Visit and Preventative Screenings Today!

Our proactive approach

At Village Medical, we believe in the power of preventive testing to shape your health journey.
Our clinical expertise and personalized approach ensure that you receive the best care tailored to your unique needs.

Doctors collaborate with you, empowering your decisions about well-being.

The assurance of quality care backed by our evidence-based medicine.

Transparent discussions about coverage and cost providing you with peace of mind as you prioritize your health.

Empowering you with knowledge to conduct self-assessments, promoting early detection and proactive management.

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Preventive Testing

At Village Medical, we believe in the power of preventive testing to shape your health journey. Our clinical expertise and personalized approach ensure that you receive the best care tailored to your unique needs.

It’s important to note that individual recommendations may vary based on personal health history, family history, and risk factors. Consult with a healthcare provider to determine the most appropriate screening plan for adults over the age of 65.


Screening Type

Blood Pressure Measurement

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is when the pressure inside your blood vessels is consistently high. With regular exams, your care team can get involved early, helping to prevent heart disease, stroke, chronic kidney disease, and other serious health problems.

Cholesterol Test

High cholesterol levels can contribute to heart disease, blood vessel disease in your legs, and stroke. Regular cholesterol testing allows us to review your risk and take steps to manage it, including helping you with dietary changes, increasing physical activity, and even prescribing medication(s) if necessary.

Blood Glucose Test

Diabetes or elevated blood sugar is more common as we age and can lead to vision, heart, and kidney complications if left untreated. Regular screening for diabetes allows us to monitor your blood sugar and get involved early with dietary and lifestyle changes and medication if needed to help you manage your diabetes.

Colon Cancer Screening

Colorectal cancer is a significant cause of cancer in adults, and early detection can greatly improve outcomes. Screening tests like colonoscopies can detect growths in the colon that can lead to cancer, allowing for timely treatment and potentially saving lives.

Prostate Cancer Screening


Pelvic Exam

Bone Density Test (DEXA)

Osteoporosis is a cause of bones weakening and is more common concern as we age, particularly for women. A bone density test can assess your bone health and identify any signs of osteoporosis, helping to prevent broken bones and maintain your mobility and independence.

Eye Exam (for glaucoma, etc.) & Hearing Test

Maintaining good vision and hearing is essential for your quality of life and safety. Regular eye exams and hearing tests can detect age-related changes or conditions early, allowing for appropriate treatment or interventions to preserve your vision and hearing.

Skin Screenings

Lung Cancer

For older adults aged 65 to 80 with heavy smoking history or recent quit, an annual screening test using low dose computerized tomography (CT) can detect lung cancer early. Screening for lung cancer is a proactive step toward early detection and if present, a faster route to treatment and improved outcomes.


Regular evaluation with frequency based on risk factors and provider’s recommendations

Regular screenings for adults 50-75

Discuss with your provider

Annual screenings for women 50-74

Discuss with your provider

At least once after 65

Eye exam - Every 1-2 years or more frequently based on certain health conditions

Hearing test - Periodic screening

Self-check monthly, and annually by a provider

Adults 50-80